This book shows how companies can prepare their business models for a digital future and how this can create competitive advantages and better fulfil customer requirements. Authors from practice and science show how the digital transformation of companies can succeed across the entire value chain.

The content covers approaches, instruments, study results and the best practices of different industries in the context of digital transformation. It takes into account the diverging requirements of different companies and industries and can be combined and expanded as needed to adapt it to a company’s specific requirements.

Praise for the book:

“This comprehensive anthology offers theoretical principles and numerous current examples from research and practice. Even if the individual contributions do not always seem exactly cohesive, the work offers a well-prepared wealth of knowledge for both scientists and practitioners. A “must” for all those involved with the topics of digitalisation, industry 4.0, digital transformation and related issues.”– Joachim Reinhart, CEO & Founder Impulsio Ventures GmbH

“All companies must sooner or later address the question of their individual response to the digital transformation. Not all have yet recognised this need – and not all are acting in an accordingly goal-oriented fashion. In this regard, the work of Schallmo/Rusnjak/Anzengruber/Werani/Jünger can provide an important starting point. In addition to the theoretical basics and the necessary instruments, it also examines best practices. Very worthwhile reading for anyone involved in digital transformation – which ultimately includes anyone bearing responsibility for the businesses of today or tomorrow; ,anagers and students alike! I wish you all inspiring reading.” — Prof. Dr. Ralf Kreutzer, Professor for Marketing at the Berlin School of Economics and Law


  • Digital transformation across the entire value chain
  • Requirements placed on companies
  • Changing business models in the context of the digitalisation trend
  • Scientific explanations and practical examples

Contributing author: Markus Fost


We live in an age of revolutionary new business models – and though they are changing our business world across all industry boundaries, we still scarcely understand where their power comes from. Against this background, “Business Model Generation” presents simple yet powerful tools to help you develop, modernise and innovate business models. Being a game changer can be that simple! As an inspirational guide for “visionaries, game changers, and challengers”, this book is ideal for all those seeking to improve or redesign their business models and provides an insight into the mystery-shrouded innovation techniques of top global companies. Learn how to develop business models from scratch and put them into action, or to polish up old ones and make them new!

Advertised as being developed by 470 strategy experts, “Business Model Generation” lives up to what it promises: 470 authors from 45 countries wrote, financed and produced the book in collaboration. The clever tie-in of content with visual design makes it easy to immerse yourself in the universe of business model innovation and succeed in the jump to new business worlds!

“Business Model Generation” is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to put an end to “business as usual”.  It’s made for executives, consultants and entrepreneurs who want to forge new paths and unusual ways of creating value.


Praise for the book

“A workbook for optical and creative thinking. Both in terms of its graphic design and the story of its creation, the book differentiates itself clearly from other business model advice books. It helps readers understand why Google, Youtube, Facebook or Flickr are so successful, even though they contradict classic business principles.”
— Handelsblatt, 2011

“The authors have succeeded very well in simplifying and structuring this complex topic very well. A great workbook!”
— Harvard Business Manager, 2011

Markus Fost systematically compiles relevant, up-to-date knowledge on e-commerce and tailors it for use in practice. His insights are aimed at business leaders and managers from a diverse range of disciplines (sales, marketing, business development etc.). A particular focus is placed on manufacturing companies whose trade structure is currently of a predominantly brick-and-mortar nature. Based on qualitative interviews with experts, Fost develops a multidimensional e-commerce strategy model from which manufacturing companies can derive their retail policies.

Praise for the Book

“It seems likely that the next big topic in business will be the professionalisation and expansion of B2BE commerce. As such, Fost’s addressing of the topic “e-commerce strategies for manufacturing companies” taps fully into current trends and provides an excellent summary of ongoing discussions in academia and practice.” – Prof. Gerrit Heinemann, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

“Markus Fost offers a highly knowledgeable discussion of online strategies for manufacturers and explains in detail how manufacturers can succeed in e-commerce without endangering long-standing  business contacts. A very worthwhile piece of reading for anyone seeking to develop an e-commerce strategy for a manufacturer!” — Prof. Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

“More and more manufacturing companies are recognising the potential of e-commerce. However, a company must often rethink its strategic focus in order to be able to benefit from the e-commerce trend. This book is a highly beneficial read for anyone seeking to do so.“ — Dr. Georg Wittmann, ibi research at Universität Regensburg GmbH

“For brands, the future of e-commerce means actively adapting to changes in the retail landscape and establishing online shops as digital flagship stores for sales, product information and communication. This book provides exciting answers and insights in this regard.” — Markus Diekmann, Managing Partner at SHOPMACHER eCommerce für Marken GmbH

The Content

  • Principles of and reasons for e-commerce growth
  • Trade structures of manufacturing companies
  • Components, development and modelling of an e-commerce strategy for manufacturing companies
  • Expert interviews with Dr. Gerrit Heinemann, Dr. Dirk Morschett, Dr. Georg Wittmann und Marcus Diekmann

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